An internship is a period of work experience offered by an employer to give students and graduates exposure to the working environment, often within a Specific industry, which relates to their field of study.

Internships can be as short as a week or as long as 12 months. They can be paid or voluntary; One of the best ways to get the job you want is to have internship (cooperative education) experience. Internship opportunities abound in the tourism area. Most internship programs are designed to provide students the opportunity to:-

Gain work experience and transferable skills

Students all have their educational experience in common. What stand out to employers is those students who also have work experiences by the time they graduate. This automatically makes them more marketable; as they may require less training and are assumed to be able to handle more responsibilities. In addition to the specialized skills of your field, transferable skills are generally required at any job, e.g. communication/interpersonal skills, computer proficiency, and team work.

Possibly earn course credit

Some degree programs incorporate a work opportunity into a requirement for graduation by giving course credit for the work experience. Other programs have an internship as an elective course for credit. Contact your academic advisor for more information because earning credit varies by departments.

Be able to experience a prospective career path

Most students enter college with an idea of a major or career path and most students end up changing their minds. Exploring is a very important part of the academic process, and gaining a work experience is a great way for students to acquaint themselves with a field they are looking to learn about. By the time of graduation, the students have confidence that the degrees they are receiving are the right ones for them.

Gain practical experience, by applying methods and theories learned in classes

Many people learn best by being hands on. But everyone can benefit from seeing the things that they have been learning in class, put to action; whether it’s in a chemistry research lab, a marketing development meeting, or a substance abuse counseling session.

Network with professionals in your field, for references and future job opportunities

It’s all about who you know. As a student intern, you are surrounded by professionals in the industry that you are seeking access to. It’s more than just about getting a grade, earning credit, or making money. This is an opportunity to learn from everyone around you, ask questions, and impress them with your eagerness. These people can be your future colleagues or can be the connection to your first job.

Develop new skills and refine others

Learn your strengths and weaknesses by creating learning objectives and receiving feedback from your supervisor. This is a unique learning opportunity that you may never have again as a working adult. Embrace the mistakes that you’ll make and the many things that you won’t know. Ask questions, observe, and take risks.

Gain confidence in your abilities

Practice makes perfect. If you’ve learned about a specific technique in the classroom, you’re able to test it out in the world of work. Then, you’ll be much more equipped with the technique.